What is our Dollar Campaign?

A fundraising campaign that allows every member of every church, organization and business in our community to be a part of Answers by donating just $1 to our ministry. When we come together, one turns to many. With a donation of just $1, this campaign will have a substantial impact on making a difference in the lives of local individuals/families who are hurting and broken. A dollar makes a difference! Want to participate? We'd love to have you!

Want to take part? Here's how:


STEP 1: Choose a date during the year (or a week each month) to run your campaign & let us know how many materials you’ll need!

STEP 2: We ask that you place our bulletin insert in your bulletin the week before you decide to run the campaign so your congregation remembers to bring a dollar bill (or whatever donation they would like to contribute) the following Sunday.

STEP 3: Notify your congregation to be prepared to donate to the dollar campaign by bringing attention to the bulletin insert provided by Answers.

STEP 4: On your campaign Sunday, place our offering envelopes in you bulletin or pew backs and Answers will pick up the envelopes the following Monday! That's it!

Businesses and Individuals

Step 1: Choose a date during the year (or a week each month) to run your campaign & let us know how many materials you’ll need!

Step 2: Consider having an Answers representative visit your organization to speak about Answers and how we serve the community when beginning your campaign.

Answers will provide you with our informational flyers regarding the campaign.

Step 3: We ask that you have a collection jar or we can provide envelopes—then promote within your organization (via bulletins, emails, vocalized, etc.)—and provide donors with a specific end date to your campaign. 

Answers will pick up your donations at the end of your campaign. That's it!